JROTC Affairs

Posted 5-23-2013

We are proud to announce that the Greater Granbury Chapter of MOAA has awarded two $1250 college scholarships to graduating USMC JROTC cadets from Granbury High School for the 2013 Fall semester.  The scholarship awards were presented by Col V.B. Corn at the USMC JROTC Awards Ceremony on 1 May.  The recipients for the two scholarships are Cadet 1st Lt Astrid Avila and Cadet 1st Lt Britni Selman.  In addition to the two scholarship awards, Col Corn also presented the Military Officers Association Of America Medal to Cadet 1st Sgt Daniel Alaniz.  We offer our congratulations to these three cadets and we extend our sincere appreciation to the entire Granbury High School USMC JROTC Program cadets and leadership staff.  See the links below for details on the awards and the cadet "Thank You Note" responses.

Hood County News Coverage Of Awards Ceremony

Cadet Thank You Responses

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Greater Granbury Chapter – MOAA
P.O. Box 160
Granbury, TX 76048

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