MOAA Granbury Chapter ByLaws

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Bylaws Of Greater Granbury Chapter An Affiliate of Military Officers Association of America

               Article I—Name Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Greater Granbury Chapter, hereinafter referred to as the chapter.

               Article II—Purposes Section 1. The purposes of the Chapter shall be to: (1) Promote the purposes and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); (2) Foster fraternal relations among retired, active duty, and former officers of the uniformed services and their reserve components; (3) Protect the rights and interests of active duty, retired and reserve component personnel of the uniformed services and their dependents and survivors; (4) Provide useful services for members and their dependents and survivors; and  Serve the community and the nation.                          

           Article III—Status Section 1. The chapter shall be a nonprofit organization, operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Article II above.

Section 2. Officers, directors, and appointed officials shall not receive any stated compensation for their services, but the board of directors may authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The president or the treasurer may authorize disbursement under $500.00. The president or the treasurer must recommend disbursements of $500.00 or greater with subsequent majority approval by the Board.

Section 3. Nothing herein shall constitute members of the chapter as partners for any purpose. No member, officer, or agent of the chapter shall be liable for acts or failures to act on the part of any other member, officer, or agent. Nor shall any member, officer, or agent be liable for acts or failures to act under these bylaws, excepting only acts or failures to act arising out of willful malfeasance or misfeasance.

Section 4. The chapter shall use its funds only to accomplish the purposes specified in Article II above, and no part of said funds shall inure or be distributed to members.

Section 5. In the event of dissolution of the chapter and after the discharge of all liabilities, the remaining assets shall be given to a nonprofit organization whose purposes and objectives are similar to those of the chapter, such organization to be designated by a majority vote of the board of directors.

               Article IV—Membership Section 1. The regular membership (including eligible surviving spouses) of the chapter shall be composed of men and women who are serving or have served on active duty or in one of the reserve components as a commissioned or warrant officer in one of the seven U.S. uniformed services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Service). Specifically, Surviving Spouses shall be composed of survivors of former national MOAA members who are deceased or survivors of deceased individuals, who would, if living, be eligible for membership. Honorary membership may be granted to certain individuals in recognition of their services to the nation, the state, the  An individual eligible for regular (including surviving spouses) membership is not eligible for honorary membership. However, if any individual who holds an elective or appointive office at the national, state or local level; he/she may be extended honorary membership to be effective only during the tenure of office. The board of directors also may grant honorary membership to foreign officers who are not otherwise ineligible. Honorary members shall not have any voting rights and shall be responsible for payment of such dues as may be established by the board of directors. Honorary members shall comprise no more that 2.5% of the total membership unless explicitly authorized by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Applications for regular (including surviving spouses) membership shall be submitted in writing to the board of directors. Recommendations for honorary membership will be submitted in writing to the board of directors. The board of directors shall be empowered to accept or reject any application or recommendation for membership.

Section 3. The board of directors may drop any member for good and sufficient cause after that member has been given an opportunity to be heard.

Section 4. Regular members (including Surviving Spouses) are not required to hold and maintain membership in national MOAA, but are encouraged to do so.

Section 5. Life Membership will be offered to those who qualify for membership and are in good standing.

              Article V—Voting Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, all questions coming before the membership shall be decided by a majority vote.

Section 2. Only regular (including surviving spouses) members in good standing or, as determined by the board of directors, present at a meeting of the chapter shall be entitled to vote.

Section 3. Proxy voting shall not be permitted at any meeting of the chapter.

               Article VI – Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Greater Granbury Chapter shall be 1 January through 31 December of the same year.

               Article VII—Meetings  Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the chapter during the month of November for the receipt of annual reports, to include but not limited to a financial report, membership report, and status of audit. Furthermore, the determination of annual dues for the next calendar year, the election of officers and directors, and the transaction of other business will be addressed. Notice of the meeting shall be provided to each member at least 20 days in advance.

Section 2. Regular/special meetings of the chapter shall be held as determined by the board of directors. Notice of each such meeting shall be provided to each member at least 15 days in advance. Standing committees are responsible for periodic updates to the members. Every February the Membership Committee will provide the members with an update; every May the Legislative Affairs Committee will provide an update and every August, the Texas Council of Chapters Liaison will provide an update. Other ad-hoc committees shall also be required to submit periodic reports subject to Board direction.

Section 3. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.

               Article VIII—Dues Section 1. The annual dues for each member for the next calendar year shall be determined by the membership at the annual meeting each November, after receiving the board of directors’ recommendation in the matter.

Section 2. The Life Membership amount shall be determined by the membership at the annual meeting each November, after receiving the board of directors’ recommendation. However, the amount will equate to at least 10 years of current annual dues.

Section 3. The annual dues for a calendar year shall become due on January 1 of that year. For new chapter members, dues will be prorated, beginning the first full month following the date membership becomes effective.

Section 4. Members who fail to pay their dues by March 31 of the year shall be notified in writing by the secretary and, if payment is not made by May 15 of that year shall, without further notice and without hearing, be dropped from the rolls. The member shall thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership.

Section 5. Any member who has been dropped for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated upon reapplication for membership and payment of the annual dues for the current year.

               Article IX—Board of Directors Section 1. The board of directors shall be composed of the elected officers enumerated in Articles X – Officers, at least two elected directors, and all committee chairs.

Section 2. The elected officers/directors shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the membership attending the annual meeting. Each board member shall take office at the first regular or special meeting in the calendar year following election and shall serve for a term of one year.

Section 3. The board of directors shall have supervision, control, and direction of the affairs of the chapter; shall determine its policies or changes therein within the limits of the bylaws; shall actively prosecute its purposes; and shall have discretion in the disbursement of its funds. It may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as may be deemed advisable and may, in the execution of the powers granted, appoint such agents as it may consider necessary.

Section 4. The board of directors shall not be authorized to adopt resolutions beyond the scope of the bylaws or to establish positions in the name of the chapter.

Section 5. The board shall meet upon the call of the president at such times and places as he or she may designate and shall be called to meet upon demand of a majority of its members. Notice of each meeting of the board of directors shall be provided to each member of the board at least 10 days in advance.

Section 6. A majority of the entire board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board.

Section 7. All questions coming before the board shall be decided by a majority vote, with each member of the board present being entitled to one vote. Proxy voting shall not be permitted.  Section 8. In the event of an unforeseen urgency that requires prompt board action, an electronic vote by the board of directors on that action shall be permitted provided the majority of the board members consent in the affirmative to the action in writing and the written consent for each of those board members is documented in the minutes for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of directors.

               Articles X—Officers Section 1. The elected officers shall be a president, first vice president, and second vice president, vice president for surviving spouse affairs, secretary, and treasurer and immediate past president, each of whom shall be a regular or surviving spouse member of the chapter and a member of national MOAA.

Section 2. The membership shall elect officers at the annual meeting. Each elected officer shall take office at the first regular or special meeting in the calendar year following election and shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is duly elected and installed.

Section 3. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive one-year terms as president. Section 4. A vacancy in the office of the president shall be filled automatically by the first vice president. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled as the board of directors may decide.

Section 5. The president shall be the chief elected officer of the chapter, shall preside at meetings of the chapter and of the board of directors, and shall be a member ex-officio, with right to vote, of all committees except the nominating committee. The president shall also, at the annual meeting and at such other times as might be deemed proper, communicate to the chapter or the board of directors information or proposals to help in achieving the purposes of the chapter. Further, the president shall perform such other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of the president.

Section 6. In the event of the president’s temporary disability or absence, the first vice president shall perform the duties of the president. In the event of the temporary disability or absence of the president and the vice president, the second vice president shall perform the duties of the president. The vice presidents shall perform other duties such as the president might assign. 

Section 7. The vice president for Surviving Spouse affairs will be responsible for the following activities: Relay information to the members from the MOAA Surviving Spouse Advisory Committee (SSAC) via announcements at chapter meetings, our website, chapter board meetings, and/or articles in our chapter newsletter. Encourage surviving spouses to participate in legislative issues to protect their benefits by sending emails, signing and mailing cards and letters, and making phone calls to elected leaders. Forward suggestions/recommendations from chapters to the SSAC regarding surviving spouse member’s needs and interests. Support the chapter by serving on chapter Personal Affairs Committee, serving on the board, setting up a surviving spouse committee, welcome new members, etc.). Encourage the reprinting of Surviving Spouse Corner articles from the Affiliate in our chapter newsletter as well as other information received in the SSAC monthly memo. Assist chapter surviving spouses with MOAA headquarters contact if and/or when necessary. Remind the chapter’s surviving spouses about our national website at and the many articles, stories and testimonials they will find there. There are helpful links to other sites, a list of books for surviving family members and the many publications and services offered by MOAA for the surviving families of our military. Encourage surviving spouse members/surviving spouses to contribute articles, stories and testimonials to the MOAA surviving spouse website. Help recruit and retain surviving spouses as members of MOAA for national and our chapter.

Section 8. The secretary shall provide timely notification of all meetings of the board of directors and shall maintain a record of all proceedings, including the preparation and distribution of documented meeting minutes with 10 days to all members of the board for their review and approval. The secretary shall also carry out the following duties: prepare such correspondence as might be required for chapter business; maintain the chapter’s correspondence files; maintain a current version of the chapter bylaws; retain copies of legal documents and contracts and safeguard all important records, documents, and valuable equipment belonging to the chapter. Further, the secretary shall remind the President in August, of the requirement to perform an annual audit. The President may waive the requirement for an annual audit for one year, but it must be conducted the second year. The Secretary will perform such other duties as are commensurate with the office or as might be assigned by the board of directors or by the president.

Section 9. The treasurer shall maintain a record of all sums received and expended by the chapter, collect the members’ annual dues, make such disbursements as are authorized by the chapter or the board of directors, deposit all sums received in a financial institution approved by the board of directors, and make a financial report at the annual meeting or when called upon by the president. The funds, books, and vouchers in the custody of the treasurer shall at all times be subject to inspection and verification by the board of directors. The Treasurer and Past President will act to have an audit performed as directed by the President.

               Article XI—Committees Section 1. The following standing committees are hereby established and shall provide strategic direction and oversight on matters within their respective areas of responsibility: Membership: Legislative Affairs; Scholarships; and “Texas Council of Chapters (TCC) Liaison. Each of the standing committees shall have a delegated chairperson appointed by majority vote of the board of directors. The standing committees report to the board of directors.

Section 2. The president, subject to the approval of the board of directors, is empowered to create discretionary ad hoc committees that shall exist for a limited duration of time to address specific issues or purposes. When the mission of the ad-hoc committee is completed, the committee shall be disbanded with no further action required. The designated committee chair of rotational events, such as Field of Flags and the MCJROTC Golf Tournament, will provide an annual lessons learned report to the Board no later than 60 days after the event.

Section 3. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for the administration and communication of all membership activities including the  following: maintain accurate roster of current members’ notify all current members and invited prospective members and guests in a timely manner the date, time, and place of chapter meetings, socials, and any other membership events; manage monthly chapter meeting registration and check-in; inform members for renewal of annual chapter and national dues with follow up on delinquencies; prepare and maintain a list of potential new members; implement annual new member recruitment goals and strategies; process applications and welcoming of new members; report membership statistics to MOAA national headquarters as required; and provide timely response to membership inquiries.

Section 4. The Legislative Affairs Committee shall be responsible to: Monitor local, state, and national legislative developments that might affect service retirees and active duty personnel and their families or national security; Keep chapter's board and members informed about legislative developments of particular interest; Commit to serve as personal point of contact to chapter's congressional representative, state senator, and state representative; Attend Veterans Council meetings to promote coordination with other local veteran's organizations with the goal of obtaining their support for the achievement of the chapter's legislative objectives; Recommend to the board, when appropriate, new or revised policies or objectives in the field of legislative affairs; Liaise with the legislative committee of the state council of chapters and with the national MOAA Government Relations Department regarding state and national political offices on matters vitally affecting service retirees or national security; As much as possible, establish and maintain good working relationships with local, state, and national legislators (and their key assistants) representing voters in a chapter area; Monitor legislative developments at each of the three levels of government: local, state, and federal; Coordinate chapter member's legislative and political contacts to assist in fulfillment of chapter legislative goals; Provide articles for chapter newsletter on legislative news and issues.

Section 5. The Scholarship Committee shall prepare application forms, student letters and policy letters reviewed and approved by the board. Forms are forwarded to the Granbury High School for the senior ROTC students to complete during spring break. Applications are collected from the school prior to the return of the students from spring break. Three board members review the applications and those selected are placed numerical order and assigned a dollar scholarship amount. These amounts being approved by the board. Notification of these names and amounts of scholarships are given to the ROTC commander. Envelopes containing the amount of scholarship are presented at the ROTC awards ceremony. Copies are provided to the  treasurer for payment to the respective college, tech school or university the award winners are attending. Each year the board will vote on the amount of money to be awarded as scholarships.

Section 6. The TCC Representative represents the Greater Granbury MOAA Chapter to the Texas Council of Chapters (TCC). In this capacity she or he will promote the mission and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). The representative will support and promote assistance to veterans, spouses, widows and orphans of members. The representative will exchange ideas with other chapters and to legislative bodies. The representative will at all times promote the rights and interests of MOAA members and provide useful service to the active force, retirees and those who formerly served.

Section 7. GHS MCJROTC MOAA Liaison. The Greater Granbury Chapter of MOAA has established a GHS MCJROTC Liaison position within the Chapter to insure we have direct communications. This includes receiving input from MCJROTC Cadre for financial requirements. GGC MOAA hosts an annual golf tournament. 100% of net proceeds are used to fund MCJROTC. The Cadre recommends the distribution of funds for annual academic scholarships vs operations funds, with subsequent Board approval. Operation Items have included: Travel per diem, Air rifle maintenance, Air rifle life cycle replacement, Team uniforms and equipment, Air Rifle Range equipment maintenance/life cycle replacement; fitness programs, cyber programs and other activities of cadets in the MCJROTC program. The MCJROTC Commander may identify shortfalls in any of these areas for consideration by the board. In addition, MOAA traditionally hosts the Field of Flags (FOF) annually during Memorial Day. Logistical support and volunteer labor will be coordinated through The Rally Project, in accordance with the existing Memorandum of Understanding dated July 29, 2019. MCJROTC Cadets assist with labor, technical support for printing nametags etc. MOAA voted during October 2018 BOD meeting to distribute FOF net revenues 30% to MCJROTC and 70% to Veterans Assistance Fund beginning May 2019. Any change to this distribution allotment must be approved by the Board.

Section 8. At least 60 days before the annual meeting, the board of directors shall appoint a nominating committee of three chapter members, not currently holding elective or appointive office, to nominate candidates for the elective offices. The committee shall notify the secretary in writing, at least 30 days before the annual meeting, of its proposed slate of officers and directors for the next calendar year, and the secretary shall list in the chapter’s  newsletter and/or website the nominated candidates for the elected offices or otherwise provide a copy thereof to each chapter member at least 20 days before the annual meeting.

               Article XII—Amendments Section 1. These bylaws may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole or in part by a two-thirds vote of the membership at any duly organized meeting of the chapter, provided that a copy of any amendment proposed for consideration has been approved by the board of directors and provided to each member qualified to vote at least 15 days before the meeting. The method of communication shall be determined by the Board. The final copy will be posted on our website:

               Article XIII—The Flag Section 1. The American flag shall be displayed and honored at all meetings of the chapter. This is to certify that these revised bylaws were approved and adopted at the general membership meeting (electronically voted upon due to COVID-19 restrictions) of the Greater Granbury Chapter on April 24, 2021. John B Martins Phil Newsom _________________________________________ (Name) (Name) Col, USAF (Ret) Lt Col, USAF (Ret) _________________________________________ _________________________________________ (Rank/Grade and Service) (Rank/Grade and Service) SIGNED SIGNED _________________________________________ _________________________________________ (President) (Secretary) 

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Mailing Address:

Greater Granbury Chapter – MOAA
P.O. Box 160
Granbury, TX 76048

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